Stat 999: Course Overview

UC Berkeley


  1. Spring 2023 (Quarto)
  2. Fall 2024 (MyST)


This is a GitHub Pages template based on Just the Class, developed for the purpose of quickly deploying course overview websites. Such websites link to previous course offerings, provide a summary of what the course is about, and may list learning goals and prerequisites. This overview section would normally be replaced by the description of a specific course, and could include information from the Berkeley Academic Guide.


After instantiating this template, set the following secrets and variables in the new repository.

SecretYesSIS_COURSE_API_IDapp_id of Course API credential
SecretYesSIS_COURSE_API_KEYapp_key of Course API credential
VariableYesSIS_SUBJECT_AREASIS subject area code, e.g. STAT
VariableYesSIS_COURSE_NUMBERSIS course number, e.g. 243
VariableYesGIT_NAMEGit for GitHub Action commits, e.g. GitHub Actions
VariableYesGIT_EMAILGit for GitHub Action commits, e.g.
VariableNoGOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TAGGoogle Analytics tag(s), e.g. G-...
VariableNoAUTHORJekyll website author, e.g. Course Staff
VariableNoCOURSE_DATA_FILEPath to YAML file, e.g. .github/scripts/override.yml, containing SIS course data. Data in this file will override anything retrieved from the SIS.


(Example from SIS) Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Six hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory per week for 8 weeks.


(Example from SIS) Mathematics 1A, Mathematics 16A, Mathematics 10A/10B, or consent of instructor.